
Reflections on the week

Today Sasha and I went for along walk on a beautiful day. We walked up to the Drive for a quick shop, then walked to False Creek for lunch on the water's edge. After a meeting for CPEN we then had another long I had lots of time for reflecting on our plastic experiment so far.

I want to express how happy I am that we decided to do this learning project on plastic. We have gathered a lot of information to learn from and share with others...and the best thing of all is the amazing support we have received! Not only from family and friends, but from other amazing people who are just as fed up with all the plastic in the world as we are! ;)

For all the negatives we're learning about, such as the toxins that continue to leach out of some plastics we use often, and the level to which we have been guinea pigs to industries that believe the burden of proof (when it comes to the danger of their products) is on us...we'll cover the negatives in our report...however I am really glad that we'll have positive things to report on as well!! :)

Such as the Zero Waste Campaign. Visit this site to find an abundance of resources to take action in your home or even your community...and beyond. The Zero Waste campaign has been a great source for positive information and hope. I am also appreciative of their tools to help folks be proactive.

Ultimately everyone has to become proactive about sustainable change...though there are a lot of positive changes happening in companies and governments - we need so much more to be happening. So citizens need to add the voices loud and clear. Pressure businesses and governments to do more. Voluntary limits on waste and pollution outputted by industries are not enough, and we have all let profit dictate our circumstances long enough.

The costs to our health and environment are far too great and it's time we stop paying for their neglect! We must ramp up our efforts as citizens who are tired of being told people and our environment are simple externalities - and demand real responsibility from those who are making our lives so "convenient"

One of the biggest actions which would lead to dramatic change is Clean Production
which is a way of designing products and manufacturing processes in harmony with natural ecological cycles. This is the kind of thinking that fills me with hope as it gives us something positive to request...rather than just stating what we want to stop :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, some ideas are to make cloth bags for bulk I even use cloth for purchasing flour. i know that capers is an american owned store but they support local growers and label all of their produce also the bulk labels are being changed to say origins, until that happens the Anitas products in bulk are from chiliwack [spelling?] and they do not prepackage the bulk you portion what you need. one more, use a bread box or thick cloth to keep bread from drying no plastic required.