
Day Six

We didn't make it to the credit union today so ended up using our debit cards again while out and about. The rain was so heavy in the morning that we decided to take our chances and see how it was after Sasha's afternoon nap...and glad we did! Nice to get out for a nice long walk with bits of sunshine tinting everything gold again :)

I was happy we managed to get a snack and the majority of our needs without plastic, with only a few exceptions...but exceptions none the less. The snack was buns and sesame balls from one of our local Chinese bakeries...and it is a big challenge to get out of there without plastic! Even if you ask for no wrapping, they habitually try to get plastic on your purchase somehow! But we persevered, "no plastic thank you! we don't need the wrapping. no, we don't need the bag thank you!" and we made it out plastic free.

Then our next stop. This is where we acquired toothpaste with a plastic cap, tylenol in a plastic bottle and batteries with plastic as part of its packaging.

While picking up our produce needs Mark had put our potatoes in one of those plastic bags out of habit (it does make it easier to carry things around when they are contained), until I came in and pointed out there was something wrong with the picture...d'oh! So he chose to use a basket instead.

Brown sugar was on the list, but we couldn't find it. And does anyone know where you can get brown sugar not in plastic?

6 days down: 3 successful with no new plastics


EnviroWoman said...

I've found plastic-free brown sugar at my local organic/health food store that carries a good assortment of bulk foods - including one that contains brown sugar (go figure, I would think it would dry out and get hard, as brown sugar tends to do....but their's was fresh and moist)

Anonymous said...

Hi, brown sugar is also something you can make yourself with white sugar and melasse it is also cheeper this way.