
great white male canadian...the only kind we learn about

read this article from rabble called the great white male canadian for some good examples of amazing women who were left out of the top 50 & 100 canadians...according to the cbc and those who voted.
perfect example of what we are NOT learning about in schools...important history if we are ever going to beieve in the power of positive the people!

who says canadian history is boring? we just need to learn the stuff that really matter us :)

who's winning the rat race?


Jon Stewart on Crossfire

I am a Daily Show junky...just to make it clear...and try to watch it every mon-thurs...and if you've never seen it you can visit their web site to watch some video segments when you get a chance...quality tv

but check out this link to see him on Crossfire...or read the transcript...where he asks them to stop hurting america...and encourage them to have debates with actual meaning...way to go John!