
Day one

Well...the first official day of our family learning project on plastics was pretty low key.

Started stockpiling the resources to explore. Found plenty of great information so far. We're going to be busy on the organizing front.

We are very grateful that a few folks have also shared some good links for us to explore, thought-provoking questions (which we aim to answer by the end of the week if we can) and great ideas to add to our project list of things to do...and a couple of people are even trying to avoid new plastics for a week as well! Very exciting! Thank you for your feedback and support :)

However...we were unsuccessful in our quest for no new plastics in the home today :(

Dairy is a challenge to find without a container of plastic...specifically sour cream. Suggestions? I suppose the obvious is go without...but it was perogies for dinner! And when someone brings you doesn't feel right to focus on the plastic content. (thanks again for dinner Mum!)

It is being noted because...well because that's the point of the experiment for see how many times we have a choice, how often we don't...and just how much have we taken this stuff for granted?

Mark and Che did decide to skip purchasing some new dungeons and dragons pieces, which are plastic, and opted to get something of cardboard instead. (You'd have to ask them what it was...I was just impressed they came home plastic free on our first day-LOL)

tomorrow actually requires more of a food shop...produce is easy...have a guess on what is going to be the biggest challenge?

1 day down: 0 days successful with no new plastics

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