
Day Two

I only did a small shop today because Sasha and I had a play day with friends...far more important than grocery shopping! :)

Proud to say I was able to get everything I needed for my yummy veg stew and some fresh bread...all with no trace of plastic today!

That feels good. To meet our needs for sustanence and fulfill the challenge as well. I believe it is much easier to acquire next to no plastics as a vegetarian. (we're ominivores, but we continue to make the effort to eat vegetarian more often than not) Fresh produce can easily be found and purchased without using any plastic. Even best when it's local food to also maximize our sustainability impact ;)

We have a large collection of cloth bags, which we have really become diligent about using which helps keep out new plastic bags. I believe alot of people are making efforts to minimize plastic bag use. What is nice to find is that there are lots of policy choices being made at a local level to rid society of plastic bags all together...especially now that there are so many amazing alternatives!

And living down the street from a great bakery where I can get our bread without the plastic packaging is a total bonus. I truly love that all of our food needs are within walking distance! But let's see by the end of the week what this radius offers when I need something other than vegetables and bread...now that we've established how lucky we are to live so close to a wide variety of produce options.

I would like to share one of the best resources I've come across so far in my hunt for info on all things plastic. www.lifewithoutplastic.com Life Without Plastic (LWP) is the initiative of a couple from Quebec who desired a world without plastic for their baby. They have a great Facts on Plastic section (even better in my mind because it is all Canadian), which includes a table that they continue to update with a break down of the 7 categories of plastic most used. Fabulous!!

They have started a business and are developing an inventory of plastic alternatives, such as lunch ware kits, glass baby bottles, and other stuff made of steel and other materials.

This site is the perfect place to start for a great summary to fill your need to be informed. I am grateful to have found the effort put forth by this wonderful duo as it provides a lot of groundwork we can build on (and I have already informed them that we will pass on all of our info when we're done our project...just in case any of it is useful for their needs)

We believe we're taking a different approach in looking at how often our days our impacted by plastic and what the overall pros and cons of it all are. And we have a large advocacy piece in trying to outreach to companies and government to see what's happening locally and nationally when it comes to plastic and our ability (and political will) to continue working towards healthy and sustainable alternatives.

Anyways...2 days down. 1 day successful at no new plastics in the home.

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