
so as not to anger the birds

Mark asked me after reading the previous post if it was a good idea for me to use the term 'CROW' in relation to men we want out of power (in other words as a negative term)...'cause the crows seem to be trying to get through to me in the past few years. He thinks they are my spirit bird.

maybe it's all tell me

a few years ago I was walking along Robson St on my way to work and a crow landed on my head! I felt claws on my head and looked in the store window beside me to see a crow perched there...and then it flew away. When I was knocked down a flight of stairs by a couple of young guys who tried to steal my bag later that day, I figured the crow was some kind of sign or warning or something. (The boys messed with me on the wrong was one of those fustrating days that build your irritability so when they tried to grab my bag while I was on the ground I jumped up and screamed and them...and they ran away! So maybe the crow even gave me a little extra strength that day...who knows)

Since that first encounter I have had a crow follow me for more than a couple of kilometers, following me tree to tree as I walked...had a crow walk over and sit beside me while I was reading on the grass in a park another day....then while waiting for a bus had about a dozen crows fly over and sit in the tree right above my head (not high up in the tree - the branch right above my head...unnerving that one) ...and while walking through a park had a crow fly down and land in front of me, and we stared at each other a moment when I stopped, then I did a little hop towards him and he just stood there - and when I started walking forward he stepped aside and then hopped along beside for a while...

crows are crafty creatures...and so are Crazy Rich Old whatever is behind the crows following me around Vancouver...CROW is still a good illiteration for those men we want out of power, so I guess I'll use it 'til something better comes to mind...and hope that the crows don't get upset with me ;)

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