We are embarking on a family learning journey with a focus on plastic...specifically a life without any new plastic for at least a week - March 19-26. We would like to share our ideas with you. And, when we're done, we're also happy to share our findings with you.
This is the outline of what our final report on our project will include...so far (ideas keep brewing as we talk it out):
- our catalogue of all things plastic in our home + just how much plastic DO we have?
- list of companies we contacted about their plastic outputs and what their path to sustainability goals are + any responses we receive
- which industry produces the most plastic? + which provides the most jobs? + how safe are jobs in the plastic industry?
- the history and development of plastic + the different types of plastics developed + life cycle of plastic
- health and environmental impacts of plastic
- a summary of our daily choices and how we managed through the week of acquiring no new plastics + how many times a day do we actually encounter a choice around plastic?
- copies of our letters to all levels of government on leadership and policy alternatives we would like to see them acting on to reduce the negative impacts of plastics on our society + any responses we receive
- a compilation of information on sustainable alternatives
- a full resource and reference section highlighting best sources of info on all things plastic
- and a compilation of any feedback from folks like you
We would really appreciate it if you are willing to share any research, resources, rants, raves, alternatives info...anything you can think to share as long as it relates to plastic!
We're eager to see how the project evolves. Our goal is to begin our research and have the letters out by the end of our week long experiment (I am tempted however, to see how long we can go with acquiring no new plastic...). We will continue the research while we wait for replies. Once we feel we have enough info to share with others we'll post the 'report' for all to see.
Our daily choices and other info will be posted here for those who want to follow along, and if you decide you would like to experiment for a day or the week, we'd love to hear about your experience!
many thanks and hugs
Kathy, Mark, Che & Sasha
monday we begin...
Our daily choices and other info will be posted here for those who want to follow along, and if you decide you would like to experiment for a day or the week, we'd love to hear about your experience!
many thanks and hugs
Kathy, Mark, Che & Sasha
monday we begin...
1 comment:
Hey gang
You may want to check out my blog at changeeverything.ca/blog/142 or plasticfree.blogspot.com
I'm living plastic-free for all of 2007. It's actually easier than you think.
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