
Day Five

Another day of hibernation...the wet weather is making it oh so easy to make do with what we have at home ;)

I was wondering earlier in the week why I needed to go to the bank, and yesterday I remembered when we had to chose to use our plastic debit cards...because I had forgotten to go to the bank to take out cash! (only way to spend without plastic) So our credit union is on the list for our adventures for tomorrow...when cabin fever will get us out again if nothing else! lol

We have put time into our research and other project elements though, so we're happy with the progress we're making towards our final report.

We have also established a timeline for it's release...for all you keeners who are chomping at the bit to see what comes out of this experiment of ours:

- for the next few days we continue our cataloging, research, outreach, and tracking choices made around plastic (I actually intend to do this for much longer...but for our official project we're focusing on the week only for now) and draft our letters to government, businesses, etc

- Monday we mail out the letters and summarize the weeks choices (the best we can)

- by end of next week send a follow up email to see if our letters were received and when we might expect a response (if ever)

- draft of report (details including history, development, alternatives, etc as outlined earlier) will be ongoing until my trip to Ontario from April 12-28

- a summary of our findings will be posted before I go so everyone can read it by Earth Day - April 22nd

- the full report will be available May 14th...because I know realistically this is a timeline we can achieve (with a trip, a baby, and a full life), it provides time for replies and time for final proofing and all that jazz.

5 days down: 3 days successful at no new plastics in the home.

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