
one blog is enough thanks!

for the past couple of years I've tried really hard to seperate the 'political' me and the 'reality' me...and now I just gotta be

my blog to update folks on life with our baby girl has become the only place I write on a consistent basis...and it just doesn't make sense - not to mention it's not at all practicle anymore! - to maintain writing updates in two different I'm not gonna try anymore ;)

as the year 2008 begins I find myself deep in public education advocacy. between the Vancouver Public Education Project (, the Charter for Public Education Network celebrating teh 5th anniversary of the Charters publication (, and work on my documentary project "Educate Me!?" due out in fall of 2010 ( other blog is bound to be full of interesting stuff in the years to come

our family continues to reduce its plastic consumption and decrease our footprint on mama earth and if you'd like to keep up on our adventures feel free to check out

be well