
a time of great change

as i sit here i'm stunned that it is september already...a whirlwind few months have passed. family vacations and lots of picket duty...and now we add the search for a new home to the mix. our landlord has decided to sell the house and so it is time to move on...but boy o boy does the timing ever suck badly...

i know we'll get by with a little help from our family & friends (gratitude for all the positive energy we've received!!) but have to admit I had a few days where the weight of so much limbo time really hit hard...

then i received through my email network a wonderful little gift...a link to a preview of the movie "the Shift"

goosebumps and hope abounded after watching the 6 minute that and an absolutely fabulous weekend on Saturna Island for my friends wedding (really really really amazing weekend!!!!!!!) gave me just the boost I needed to get our family through this crazy time...

one of these days we'll be settled in a new home, be back on the job and I'll eventually start my job share (yay!), and our child care will be organized...and maybe then i'll have time to write again ;)

for now I just recommend you check out "the shift" and give yourself a positive boost too...doesn't everyone need it at this time of year?