growing up in a world that has been designed strategically by market interests it is pretty easy to buy into the idea that happiness is looking good (staight white teeth are more important than anything you might have to say) and having all the best stuff (the car, the house, the name brand clothes, the latest technology)
...but everything that is good for the market is not always good for us. which is why i have no faith in the 'invisible' hand of the market and it's theory of trickle down economics. since the 50's, and the advent of children growing up watching the tube, marketing has sharpened it's manipulation tactics. of coarse, they would never call it manipulation to your face...but that is their manipulate us into beleiving we need certain things...on the most primal subconscience level. and they have learned the art of targeting children and youth...
commercials, subversive advertising with product placements in tv and movies, and everything including the layout of stores are all designed to get us to spend money. billions are spent to understand the minds of consumers. I feel it has become a bit of a disease these things called marketing and consumerism. a plague where entitlement to making and spending money takes precidence over basic human rights and the sustainability of our very lives...
good news is that their are many people working on alternatives. capatilism is not the end of history folks.
so one example to share today is the economic model of time dollars. there are many versions of community oriented currencies. I first learned about a system called L.E.T.S. (Local Exchange Trading Systems) after reading about one of the originals, founded in Comox Valley in 1983.
recently I came across ...and this site is super informative for anyone who knows nothing about the concept as well as for people who are aware and want to find ways of implementing the idea locally. this movement is one which could really provide healing for all the gaps being created by the market-focus only society.
I am newly inspired to learn more about these local economic models, especially because time dollars reward decency, caring and a passion for justice. I believe we are long overdue for models that reward caring instead of greed. don't you?
"time dollars and co-production are proving that the young, the frail, the elderly, the vulnerable and the socially excluded can contribute their skills, talents and capacities to help build healthy communities."
this is a healthy and holistic way we can achieve positive change at the local level. please visit their site if you want to learn more about time dollars and co-production. stay community economic development has always inspired me i'm sure I will have more to offer on this in the future :)
don't think of an elephant
there is a great new tool out there for us all...another book for quality reading and learning called "Don't Think of an Elephant" by George Lakoff (and I tried not to think of an elephant when reading that but couldn't help myself!)
on AlterNet I found the intro for the book written by the editor Don Hazen, called "The Power of Framing" ( He highlights the reasons we need to learn how to reframe the debate, and how George's book can help us do it.
one of the biggest challenges the progressive community has had is finding it's common language...and those who control the language control the game. and the right has done a good job of defining their common language. So it's time for the progressive community to get off the defensive...stop focusing on cutting up the positions of the opposition...and focus instead on what we value and what we vision for the world.
I believe strongly that the 'anti' language creates a lot of barriers, which is why I try to discuss what I'm 'for' most days...which can be difficult one days where my focus is on all of the things I am actually very much against! After reading an excerpt from the book, also found on AlterNet with "A Man of His Words" ( George Lakoff has confirmed this belief of mine...and even better he provided some clear example of how it works.
my favorite example is this: "Framing is about getting the langauge to fit your worldview. It is not just the language. The ideas are primary - and the language carries those ideas, evokes those ideas. There was another good example in the State of the Union address in January. This one was a remarkable metaphor to find in a State of the Union address. Bush said, 'We do not need a permission slip to defend America.' What is going on with a permission slip? He could have just said 'We won't ask permission.' But talking about a permission slip is different. Think about who has to ask for a permission slip. Think about who is being asked. Think about the relationship between them."
he also talks about different ideals in comparison to different parenting models. the strict authoritarian father model which is in line with the conservative ideology, and the nurturant parental model which focuses on the progressive ideology. he goes into more details on the full spectrum and it's pretty fascinating food for thought he provides...
and now I must get my hands on the whole book to read it...i think it will be quite useful!
on AlterNet I found the intro for the book written by the editor Don Hazen, called "The Power of Framing" ( He highlights the reasons we need to learn how to reframe the debate, and how George's book can help us do it.
one of the biggest challenges the progressive community has had is finding it's common language...and those who control the language control the game. and the right has done a good job of defining their common language. So it's time for the progressive community to get off the defensive...stop focusing on cutting up the positions of the opposition...and focus instead on what we value and what we vision for the world.
I believe strongly that the 'anti' language creates a lot of barriers, which is why I try to discuss what I'm 'for' most days...which can be difficult one days where my focus is on all of the things I am actually very much against! After reading an excerpt from the book, also found on AlterNet with "A Man of His Words" ( George Lakoff has confirmed this belief of mine...and even better he provided some clear example of how it works.
my favorite example is this: "Framing is about getting the langauge to fit your worldview. It is not just the language. The ideas are primary - and the language carries those ideas, evokes those ideas. There was another good example in the State of the Union address in January. This one was a remarkable metaphor to find in a State of the Union address. Bush said, 'We do not need a permission slip to defend America.' What is going on with a permission slip? He could have just said 'We won't ask permission.' But talking about a permission slip is different. Think about who has to ask for a permission slip. Think about who is being asked. Think about the relationship between them."
he also talks about different ideals in comparison to different parenting models. the strict authoritarian father model which is in line with the conservative ideology, and the nurturant parental model which focuses on the progressive ideology. he goes into more details on the full spectrum and it's pretty fascinating food for thought he provides...
and now I must get my hands on the whole book to read it...i think it will be quite useful!
so as not to anger the birds
Mark asked me after reading the previous post if it was a good idea for me to use the term 'CROW' in relation to men we want out of power (in other words as a negative term)...'cause the crows seem to be trying to get through to me in the past few years. He thinks they are my spirit bird.
maybe it's all tell me
a few years ago I was walking along Robson St on my way to work and a crow landed on my head! I felt claws on my head and looked in the store window beside me to see a crow perched there...and then it flew away. When I was knocked down a flight of stairs by a couple of young guys who tried to steal my bag later that day, I figured the crow was some kind of sign or warning or something. (The boys messed with me on the wrong was one of those fustrating days that build your irritability so when they tried to grab my bag while I was on the ground I jumped up and screamed and them...and they ran away! So maybe the crow even gave me a little extra strength that day...who knows)
Since that first encounter I have had a crow follow me for more than a couple of kilometers, following me tree to tree as I walked...had a crow walk over and sit beside me while I was reading on the grass in a park another day....then while waiting for a bus had about a dozen crows fly over and sit in the tree right above my head (not high up in the tree - the branch right above my head...unnerving that one) ...and while walking through a park had a crow fly down and land in front of me, and we stared at each other a moment when I stopped, then I did a little hop towards him and he just stood there - and when I started walking forward he stepped aside and then hopped along beside for a while...
crows are crafty creatures...and so are Crazy Rich Old whatever is behind the crows following me around Vancouver...CROW is still a good illiteration for those men we want out of power, so I guess I'll use it 'til something better comes to mind...and hope that the crows don't get upset with me ;)
maybe it's all tell me
a few years ago I was walking along Robson St on my way to work and a crow landed on my head! I felt claws on my head and looked in the store window beside me to see a crow perched there...and then it flew away. When I was knocked down a flight of stairs by a couple of young guys who tried to steal my bag later that day, I figured the crow was some kind of sign or warning or something. (The boys messed with me on the wrong was one of those fustrating days that build your irritability so when they tried to grab my bag while I was on the ground I jumped up and screamed and them...and they ran away! So maybe the crow even gave me a little extra strength that day...who knows)
Since that first encounter I have had a crow follow me for more than a couple of kilometers, following me tree to tree as I walked...had a crow walk over and sit beside me while I was reading on the grass in a park another day....then while waiting for a bus had about a dozen crows fly over and sit in the tree right above my head (not high up in the tree - the branch right above my head...unnerving that one) ...and while walking through a park had a crow fly down and land in front of me, and we stared at each other a moment when I stopped, then I did a little hop towards him and he just stood there - and when I started walking forward he stepped aside and then hopped along beside for a while...
crows are crafty creatures...and so are Crazy Rich Old whatever is behind the crows following me around Vancouver...CROW is still a good illiteration for those men we want out of power, so I guess I'll use it 'til something better comes to mind...and hope that the crows don't get upset with me ;)
scary CROW men...part one
as there are many rich white men in power - many of whom I personally believe are an egomaniac lust for greed kinda way - I am only assuming this is part one ;)
i understand these men of power believe they are doin' the right much so that i feel they can't see how irrational they have become. in particular today...the crazy men who are freakin' me out are Senator Zell Miller and Dick Cheney.
i had never actually heard of Zell Miller before the republican national convention, where as a democratic senator he had been invited to be the key note speaker. A democrat as the key note speaker of a republican convention? sounds odd doesn't it? especially given the extreme right wingness of the current white house head honchos! but check out the clip "Zell on Earth" from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart (visit the Headlines section at to view the clip) to see how he was a perfect fit. You will see snippets of Zell giving his key note speech (where he thunders about the bad Kerry and praising the strong and mighty Bush...spittin' mad and fierce), giving an interview on CNN (when asked if he was mad replied -me, mad? no not at all. I'm sorry if I gave that impression!) and another on MSNBC (where he states he wishes we lived in a time when you could challenge people to a duel!)...i am not cannot make this stuff up! jon does a great job of showing how silly it all is (really funny bit)...but in all seriousness Zell is a total nutjob! And the worst thing of it is, the delegates at the convention were eating it up...cheering him along in his hateful tirade. Sad to see people become so inspired by such hatred. also sad to see a man, who used to be greatly respected (once upon a time), stoop to such low behaviour...
It's funny to me that the republicans, and all right wing neoliberals, are so hell bent on making anyone progressive out to be the crazy people. if you believe in anything other than the free market and helping the rich get richer, you are labelled as a flake, an idealist, a hippy, a communist, someone who is unable to come to terms with the world in which we live...and it's not so much the words they use but rather the tone "listen to those whiney bleedin' heart liberals complaining again". like it's a sin to actually have an opinion that doesn't match theirs. you are either right or wrong...and if you're not may be evil...look out!
the hypocracy of it all just astounds me. Cheney and his plan for a new american century (well, not just his plan...he's joined by lots of other crazy rich old white men in this group too...and they do not hide the fact that their agenda is to completely control the world as if they are the only ones deemed worthy of ruling it...see for yourself at shows no room for comprimise on the vision and everything must be done with a mighty forceful fist.
the latest gem from Cheney is that if the presidential election does not find him and Bush back in the white house...well, Kerry is going to end up getting the states attacked by terrorists again! first found this out in "Cheney: Kerry victory will lead to another terrorist attack on US" at
but terrorism is only thriving because there are so many people being oppressed in one way or another (some blatantly occupied like in Iraq and Palestine, and some subtly by supplying weapons to occupying regimes, and financially backing dictators elsewhere) Terrorism is not something you can declare war is an act not a nation. and when people have nothing to live for it is easier for them to succumb to irrational behaviours like blowing themselves (and other innocents) to bits. And who are really the terrorists? If america was being attacked by an occupying force (extremely hypothetical as no other nation has the force to occupy the states) and the people rose up to defend their homeland...would they be terrorists? And how long does Cheney think the terrorists are gonna play the game over in the middle east...where it's only their family and friends who suffer? it's crazy to believe that it's never going to impact north american soil it's high time we start working on real solutions.
the Bush administration, under the thumb of Cheney has done more to put the american people in jeopardy...and nothing to ensure their safety. since we have family and friends who live in the states I take it personally that their government is being run by irrational desires...egos drunk on their power with no long term thoughts to anything but instilling their vision of the world onto everyone...whether we like it or not...whether they are right or not "we must stay the course"
everyone calls Cheney and his cronies the 'hawks' in the white house...and in their nature they are rather hawkish...but to me the are the scary CROW men (crazy rich old & white) who have had their fun time. their apocalyptic worldview which has paralyzed people with fear is an unhealthy model of leadership. and their ways are totally undemocratic. and I feel to believe otherwise is crazy too. so they may be scary CROW men...but they are men and therefore people. they may believe that they were chosen by god to lead the world...but they are wrong. we deserve...and I believe the maker (whatever your name for our spiritual conscience) would want better for the world than tyranny.
i understand these men of power believe they are doin' the right much so that i feel they can't see how irrational they have become. in particular today...the crazy men who are freakin' me out are Senator Zell Miller and Dick Cheney.
i had never actually heard of Zell Miller before the republican national convention, where as a democratic senator he had been invited to be the key note speaker. A democrat as the key note speaker of a republican convention? sounds odd doesn't it? especially given the extreme right wingness of the current white house head honchos! but check out the clip "Zell on Earth" from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart (visit the Headlines section at to view the clip) to see how he was a perfect fit. You will see snippets of Zell giving his key note speech (where he thunders about the bad Kerry and praising the strong and mighty Bush...spittin' mad and fierce), giving an interview on CNN (when asked if he was mad replied -me, mad? no not at all. I'm sorry if I gave that impression!) and another on MSNBC (where he states he wishes we lived in a time when you could challenge people to a duel!)...i am not cannot make this stuff up! jon does a great job of showing how silly it all is (really funny bit)...but in all seriousness Zell is a total nutjob! And the worst thing of it is, the delegates at the convention were eating it up...cheering him along in his hateful tirade. Sad to see people become so inspired by such hatred. also sad to see a man, who used to be greatly respected (once upon a time), stoop to such low behaviour...
It's funny to me that the republicans, and all right wing neoliberals, are so hell bent on making anyone progressive out to be the crazy people. if you believe in anything other than the free market and helping the rich get richer, you are labelled as a flake, an idealist, a hippy, a communist, someone who is unable to come to terms with the world in which we live...and it's not so much the words they use but rather the tone "listen to those whiney bleedin' heart liberals complaining again". like it's a sin to actually have an opinion that doesn't match theirs. you are either right or wrong...and if you're not may be evil...look out!
the hypocracy of it all just astounds me. Cheney and his plan for a new american century (well, not just his plan...he's joined by lots of other crazy rich old white men in this group too...and they do not hide the fact that their agenda is to completely control the world as if they are the only ones deemed worthy of ruling it...see for yourself at shows no room for comprimise on the vision and everything must be done with a mighty forceful fist.
the latest gem from Cheney is that if the presidential election does not find him and Bush back in the white house...well, Kerry is going to end up getting the states attacked by terrorists again! first found this out in "Cheney: Kerry victory will lead to another terrorist attack on US" at
but terrorism is only thriving because there are so many people being oppressed in one way or another (some blatantly occupied like in Iraq and Palestine, and some subtly by supplying weapons to occupying regimes, and financially backing dictators elsewhere) Terrorism is not something you can declare war is an act not a nation. and when people have nothing to live for it is easier for them to succumb to irrational behaviours like blowing themselves (and other innocents) to bits. And who are really the terrorists? If america was being attacked by an occupying force (extremely hypothetical as no other nation has the force to occupy the states) and the people rose up to defend their homeland...would they be terrorists? And how long does Cheney think the terrorists are gonna play the game over in the middle east...where it's only their family and friends who suffer? it's crazy to believe that it's never going to impact north american soil it's high time we start working on real solutions.
the Bush administration, under the thumb of Cheney has done more to put the american people in jeopardy...and nothing to ensure their safety. since we have family and friends who live in the states I take it personally that their government is being run by irrational desires...egos drunk on their power with no long term thoughts to anything but instilling their vision of the world onto everyone...whether we like it or not...whether they are right or not "we must stay the course"
everyone calls Cheney and his cronies the 'hawks' in the white house...and in their nature they are rather hawkish...but to me the are the scary CROW men (crazy rich old & white) who have had their fun time. their apocalyptic worldview which has paralyzed people with fear is an unhealthy model of leadership. and their ways are totally undemocratic. and I feel to believe otherwise is crazy too. so they may be scary CROW men...but they are men and therefore people. they may believe that they were chosen by god to lead the world...but they are wrong. we deserve...and I believe the maker (whatever your name for our spiritual conscience) would want better for the world than tyranny.
sunsplash on a cloudy day
yesterday we spent almost six hours at malkin bowl in stanley park...enjoying some of the best reggae around. the "first annual sunsplash in the park" featured Burning Spear and Toots & the Maytals...a fabu double header! and though we missed the opening act Tropical Breeze, we enjoyed Chi Turner, Zukie Joseph, Alpha Yaya Diallo (our first taste of this wonderful local talent...but not our last!) and the always fun and spectacular Dubfreque. To be honest, we were dissappointed to see a new lead singer for Dubfreque at first...but she knocked our socks off with her powerhouse Dubfreque remains one of our utmost fave local acts to follow! :)
the clouds above teased us with the chance of rain all day, but by the time we got to malkin bowl the sun was shining and the feel good vibes were well under way. it doesn't get any better than sitting on the grass while smokin some and listening to such a wide array of talent!
...until you run into a friend you haven't seen for years! while Dubfreque was on stage we noticed a photographer taking many pictures...and boy did she look way! it's Aura! and I had just come across her picture the week before and wondered to myself...'what's goin' on with her these days?'...well now I know! crazy! so if you're in the need of a wicked photographer check out her web site ...she has a great eye for the little things in life we usually overlook!
so it clouded over after a while...and we felt a tiny sprinkling for about a minute or two...but it never rained on the fun for all. it was a great day and we hope there will be a "second annual sunsplash in the park" next love everyone :)
the clouds above teased us with the chance of rain all day, but by the time we got to malkin bowl the sun was shining and the feel good vibes were well under way. it doesn't get any better than sitting on the grass while smokin some and listening to such a wide array of talent!
...until you run into a friend you haven't seen for years! while Dubfreque was on stage we noticed a photographer taking many pictures...and boy did she look way! it's Aura! and I had just come across her picture the week before and wondered to myself...'what's goin' on with her these days?'...well now I know! crazy! so if you're in the need of a wicked photographer check out her web site ...she has a great eye for the little things in life we usually overlook!
so it clouded over after a while...and we felt a tiny sprinkling for about a minute or two...but it never rained on the fun for all. it was a great day and we hope there will be a "second annual sunsplash in the park" next love everyone :)
power of the people in nyc
catching up on some reading today online, checkin' up on the activists who converged on new york city for the republican convention this past week...and once again confirmed my belief that there ain't no power like the power of the people!
even before the convention began, people were actively using their rights to the freedom of speech and peaceful assembly - though it wasn't made easy since the protesters actually weren't allowed to legally protest anywhere! A permit request for a rally in central park was denied 'cause they were worried about the grass getting ruined.
not since the february 15th 2003 peace march (millions and millions on the streets around the world!) have that many people taken to the streets in new york...sunday's march organized by United for Peace and Justice found anywhere between 200,000 - 500,000 folks (of course it depends on who you ask...but the consensus IS '100,000's of thousands') raising their collective voice against the bush administration and it's unfair (to be polite) domestic and foreign policies.
among the other protests to take place in the past week by citizens and groups of all stripes - such as the 'mile long unemployment line' which had thousands of unemployed citizens in a mile long line stretching through new york streets...all of them holding bright pink slips which warned your job could be next! Or the group that repelled down the side of a grand hotel near central park to hang a massive (really huge and couldn't be missed) banner with two giant arrows pointing in opposite said 'bush'...the other 'truth' - my favorite story of triumph is that of June Brashares, Jodie Evans and the many other Code Pink activists! These women for peace were courageous enough to crash the convention...and bush's speech!
For more information on some of the protests, the 'jail' that was filled with over 1500 protesters, and some lessons learned...I would recommend starting with these two articles, as both of these sites are full of further reading if you're interested:
"Crashing the party was suprisingly easy, activists say"
"First they came for the protesters"
And to find out more about the amazing grassroots network of Code Pink, which has chapters all over the states, some in Canada and the UK too, visit their web site
even before the convention began, people were actively using their rights to the freedom of speech and peaceful assembly - though it wasn't made easy since the protesters actually weren't allowed to legally protest anywhere! A permit request for a rally in central park was denied 'cause they were worried about the grass getting ruined.
not since the february 15th 2003 peace march (millions and millions on the streets around the world!) have that many people taken to the streets in new york...sunday's march organized by United for Peace and Justice found anywhere between 200,000 - 500,000 folks (of course it depends on who you ask...but the consensus IS '100,000's of thousands') raising their collective voice against the bush administration and it's unfair (to be polite) domestic and foreign policies.
among the other protests to take place in the past week by citizens and groups of all stripes - such as the 'mile long unemployment line' which had thousands of unemployed citizens in a mile long line stretching through new york streets...all of them holding bright pink slips which warned your job could be next! Or the group that repelled down the side of a grand hotel near central park to hang a massive (really huge and couldn't be missed) banner with two giant arrows pointing in opposite said 'bush'...the other 'truth' - my favorite story of triumph is that of June Brashares, Jodie Evans and the many other Code Pink activists! These women for peace were courageous enough to crash the convention...and bush's speech!
For more information on some of the protests, the 'jail' that was filled with over 1500 protesters, and some lessons learned...I would recommend starting with these two articles, as both of these sites are full of further reading if you're interested:
"Crashing the party was suprisingly easy, activists say"
"First they came for the protesters"
And to find out more about the amazing grassroots network of Code Pink, which has chapters all over the states, some in Canada and the UK too, visit their web site
a babbler goes live...from vancouver
on my walks to work, every-other-day shopping adventures (we buy small batches as we walk and carry everything in our backpacks), watching docs or listening to music which inspires, solitary moments of reflection, lessons learned, stories from friends...y'know...the stuff of life that makes us think...I end up having many ramblings.
sometimes these come out in thoughtful conversations with friends and family as we all learn from one each other grow.
sometimes they come out as lengthy writings which I have taken to calling "a babble..." when I write on my web site.
but I've decided now is as good a time as any to start posting random thoughts on a more regular basis...if only for those who tell me they like my writing. ;)
after all...if you don't like my writing...well why stay here when there are so many other things to read on the web which could be of value to you?
by the way...for those not familiar with me or how I process info (in other words observe/babble) I sometimes forgo proper punctuation all together...'tis why I started calling them babbles after all ;)
my first bit to share is my favorite quote by a women who I happen to share a birthday with - Hellen Keller.
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
sometimes these come out in thoughtful conversations with friends and family as we all learn from one each other grow.
sometimes they come out as lengthy writings which I have taken to calling "a babble..." when I write on my web site.
but I've decided now is as good a time as any to start posting random thoughts on a more regular basis...if only for those who tell me they like my writing. ;)
after all...if you don't like my writing...well why stay here when there are so many other things to read on the web which could be of value to you?
by the way...for those not familiar with me or how I process info (in other words observe/babble) I sometimes forgo proper punctuation all together...'tis why I started calling them babbles after all ;)
my first bit to share is my favorite quote by a women who I happen to share a birthday with - Hellen Keller.
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
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